Lunch Visitor Information
Lunch Visitor Rules:
Physical driver's license or government issued ID is required to be scanned for entry into the building.
Visitors must be on the child's contact list to drop off food or eat with the child.
If you have family members who you would like to drop off lunch or come eat lunch with your child, make sure that they are listed as contacts in Skyward.
Due to safety concerns, students enrolled in public schools are not permitted to be on other campuses during the school day for events including, but not limited to, lunch, awards, concerts, special programs, field days, field trips, ceremonies, etc. School-Sponsored activities on other campuses are permitted as coordinated jointly by the campuses involved. Siblings are not permitted to attend lunch unless they are not of age to be enrolled in school. All students enrolled in school must be at their own campus during school hours.
Refrain from cell phone use during your lunch visit to make the most out of the time with your child.
Video is not permitted. If you photograph, be sure that your child is the only one in the photo.