Arrival & Dismissal » Arrival & Dismissal

Arrival & Dismissal

Traffic Guidelines/ Drop Off & Dismissal 

There are three options for student dismissal: bus/daycare riders, car riders, and walk-up-pick up. Please be sure that your child's teacher is aware of how your student is getting home. Changes in transportation must be made in writing by sending a note with your student, emailing or by completing the "Change of Transportation" form in the office. Changes WILL NOT be accepted past 3:00pm. If you need to pick up your child early, arrive no later than 3:00pm. WE WILL NOT release students individually after 3:00pm due to dismissal traffic procedures. 
8th Street is one-way directly in front of the school during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal. Drivers must maintain awareness of their surroundings, and are expected to follow all traffic laws at all times during drop off and dismissal, including but not limited to the following:
  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus property, including both driveways and parking lots.
  • Cell phone usage is not allowed while driving in a school zone.
  • Children must be properly restrained according to their height and weight.
  • All persons in a moving vehicle must wear their seat belt while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Please drive slowly and watch for children.
Morning Drop Off:
  • Upon arrival, we will use a single file line in the front drive for all PK and Kinder students in General Education and Inclusion classrooms.
  • Please remember that you may not video inside the school, and you may not photograph other students.
  • Do not park in front of houses and/or driveways across the street.
  • 8th street at Sycamore will be blocked in the mornings and afternoons to keep our traffic pattern safe. Please do not enter the traffic line from Elm or Live Oak while we have a steady stream of traffic. Parents wait in the traffic for their turn and we ask that of everyone.
  • Our doors open at 7:40am for students to enter. School begins promptly at 8:10am, after which time you will have to bring your student in, escorted by an adult, and sign them in as tardy.
  • Upon dismissal, we will use two lines in the front drive for all PK and Kinder students in General education and Inclusion classrooms.
  • Parents have to remain in their vehicles.
  • Do not block the driveways of the houses on 8th Street.
  • We will have individuals outside scanning your QR codes. Students will not be released without a paper copy of the QR code being scanned. For safety reasons at our age level, a paper copy is required.
  • The section of 8th Street immediately in front of Cherry will be two lanes of the same directional traffic during dismissal time. Do not block the driveway at the exit in order to allow traffic to cross to turn onto 7Th street. Beginning at the exit, cars will resume to a single lane, allowing traffic to exit the loop by turning right (as well as crossing through onto Live Oak).
  • We ask that the first parents that arrive for dismissal stop at the tree in the center driveway so that anyone in the building needing to leave can get out of the parking lot. When our scanners come out at dismissal time, they will instruct the line to move forward.
  • For the safety of everyone, students will not be dismissed between 3:00pm and 3:40pm. No walk-up dismissals will be accepted in the front office after 3:00pm. If your child has an afternoon appointment and will need to leave early, please plan to pick them up prior to 3:00pm.
  • 8th street at Sycamore will be blocked in the mornings and afternoons to keep our traffic pattern safe. Please do not enter the traffic line from Elm or Live Oak while we have a steady stream of traffic. Parents wait in line patiently for their turn and we ask that of everyone.
  • When dismissal begins, please be alert to watch for teachers escorting students to vehicles.
  • As the traffic moves to exit and the liens are replaced with cars to load, please pull forward to the next available spot. We will bring your child to you where you are in line.
  • Once a set of vehicles has been loaded and all individuals are safely clear of the traffic lanes, we will signal for cars to move forward to exit the loop and reset with another set of vehicles.
  • If you are waiting because your student has not come out or forgot something, please pull forward to the end of the loop next to the playground gate and we will deliver your child to you there
Bus Riders and Day Care Vans:
Bus Riders and Day Care Vans: At 3:40, the buses will load all bus riders and day care vans (PK and K) from the back of the campus. 
Walking Pick-Ups:
  • Walk up pick up is at the back of the building on 9th Street.
  • Vehicles must be legally parked. The parking at the back of the building and playground will accommodate head in or diagonal parking.
  • Do not park in front of houses and/or driveways across the street.
  • Do not park in the back parking by the cafeteria.
  • Parents will need to take their paper QR code to the gate along the road on 9th Street.
  • Please form a single line outside of the fence. Once you have been scanned, move to the other side of the gate in reverse order.
  • Only those who have registered their students as Walk-Up Pick Up will be allowed to pick up from that location.
Always remember that the safety of our students is our TOP PRIORITY. This may mean that drop-off or dismissal takes more time than expected, especially during the first two to three weeks of school. Please be patient, and respect those assisting our children in getting home safely. By the fourth week of school, our goal is to be able to dismiss over 500 students safely in just 30 minutes. Thank you for your understanding and assistance!